Turning investments into impact

At SHIFT, we focus on contributing to the solutions of today and tomorrow. We believe that innovative and mission driven start-ups are crucial in this respect: they are well positioned to create the so urgently needed change. 

While we invest in a variety of sectors, we always remain focused on one aspect: Impact. Already early on in our investment process, we analyse in a profound way the potential environmental impact of a startup and how it contributes to the circular economy. Guided by the Theory of Change and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we agree on impact KPIs with all of our companies.

We are proud of what our companies have achieved so far and what they strive to achieve going forward. It is reassuring to work together with innovative entrepreneurs on pressing challenges and we continue to put impact as a central aspect of our investment focus.

Click here to download our Impact Report.

And to zoom out, you can read more about our Impact Visions for the four verticals that we focus on here.


We actively support our portfolio companies in making sure impact remains a top priority. We help formally integrate impact in policy and decision making and select follow-on investors that share the same commitment. To ensure our investment and incentives schemes are aligned with our impact mission, part of our team’s success fee is dependent on the funds environmental impact performance. We perform an annual in-depth impact monitoring process together with our portfolio companies and share impact results in our Impact Report. The impact results are also discussed with our Investment Advisory and Impact Committees to check-in on progress and flag potential areas for improvement and impact maximalization.

Read the report